Tuesday, March 21, 2006

An update on the 5Km run.

Going into the 5Km run this weekend I had some goals in mind. I had hoped to complete it in under 26 minutes which I thought was a very reasonable time goal considering I haven't been doing any speed work and focusing more on distance. I also made a deal with myself that if I could come in under 25 minutes (my personal best is in the 22 min range) then I could buy a new pair of lululemon pants.

Alas, there will be no lululemon pants for me. I came in at 26:40, much slower than I had anticipated. I could make excuses like I had logged over 40 KM in the 7 days prior or that the sun was too bright but really that's all they are...excuses.

Will reattempt the 5Km again once the marathon is done and see what I can with a little more focus on speed in my training.

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