Friday, November 03, 2006

I have a busy weekend planned. After my run and brunch tomorrow I am heading up to Squamish. Stopping in to see Tanya for tea before going to a BBQ at Katie's new place with Gary and Cheryl. Sunday its yoga in the morning then prepping for a dinner I am making for two friends from work. I'm testing out a new recipe on them, a beer beef stew I saw on Chef at Home earlier this week. As T-bone will vouch..its a big thing for me to try cooking anything with meat in it.

Right now I have Men in Trees on. Apparently the bar in the show is right down the street from Tanya's in Squamish.

Ohh and I got me some nice new boots tonight. Had to get the people at Feet First to stretch them out because of my fricken boy sized calves. Ohh good line on Men in Trees. "This is what I have been saving for all this are my rainy day."

I'm not sure how I feel about Anne Heche.

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