Sunday, March 25, 2007

I had my freestyle clinic this afternoon. I was good, I definitely learned a few things but I wish there had been more actual swim time. It was a lot of information in 3 hours and I felt that my technique got worse through out the clinic as there was just so much to think about. It will be interesting to see if I can now apply this to my regular swims.

We finally got a break from all of the rain today. It was beautiful and sunny as I walked across the bridge to swimming. On the way home it had clouded over a bit but was still nice..that's when I took this picture.

I've also took a few shots of the eagles. Everyday I stop as I cross the bridge to see if I can see them..I wouldn't be surprised if a few people start taking to calling me the crazy eagle lady as I'm always peering over the ledge to catch a glimpse of them and get very excited if I get to see them take flight. Unfortunately it's a little tough to see them in the picture..but the white in the middle of tree is one of the eagles.

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