Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ummm...I think I might be a tom boy. I just had a look around the apartment and from my bedroom door I can see our paddle bag, my skates and hockey stick, my floor hockey shin pads and my snow shoes. This also suggests to me that we need more storage space in this apartment as most corners are filled with sports equipment and books.

This morning I ventured up to Mt Seymour to do a little snowshoeing. It was pouring rain as I left Van and I worried that it was going to be ugly at the top; but as I made my way slowly up the mountain the rain turned to snow. While it wasn't sunny at the top it was still a beautiful warm day with fresh snow making the trails spectacular. When I was deep in the woods I kept hearing these loud bangs which at first I thought were avalanches being set off (we've had a record season out here for avalanches). I quickly realized that it was actually snow falling off of the trees. The warm temperatures coupled with the wind was causing huge packs of snow to fall. It was quite spectacular to watch and hear, though I must admit, from that point on I saved my rest stops for clearings in the trees.

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