Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I've just got home from a beautiful evening snowshoe on Mt. Seymour. We started up around 7:30 and climbed steadily for about 40 minutes to reach Suicide Bluffs. From there we had the most spectacular view of the city and Vancouver Island in the distance. To the east we could see Mt. Baker poking out about the clouds. We reached the summit just in time to see the sun set and then began our descent. We had a seasoned snowshoer with us who introduced us to what I will call free running down the mountain. Find a clear patch of deep snow at some of the downhills and then let yourself go. The first one was pretty scary as he looked back at us and asked 'you're not afraid of steep downhills are you?" At that point I couldn't even see over the edge. But one step in and we were all squealing in excitement as we ran, slid and rolled our way down.

Some of you might recognize this shack. Its the one made famous in several Kokanee commercials. Normally we look up at it as we pass by on our way up Dog Mountain so it was cool to actually get to check it out up close as most people don't venture up this peak as its pretty steep (going up and down as we discovered).

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