Monday, December 12, 2005

You know you haven't written anything in your blog for an extended period when the two people you know who read it comment that you haven't posted anything in a while. Let me just say, it's been a hectic few weeks.

I've settled in to the new diggs. Adjusting to having a whole house to spread my junk all over to a small bedroom. I did a great job I think of purging but there is definitely more to be gotten rid of.

Bought a car last week. Well actually a Hyundai Sante Fe. I love it...quite a girly car for me but I got it in standard and had a hitch put on so I like it. Ohh and roof racks to carry my snowboard or surf board depending on where I am. The trip planning is temporarily on hold. Unfortunately my sister has had a relapse and is dealing with her third go of cancer. I've been doing quite a bit of back and forth between TO and MI the past two months to help her out and provide moral support. Unfortunately as result of the steroids she is on I have gained a good 5+ pounds. You read correctly...I have gained the weight. She has an insatiable appetite right now so I have been providing support in the form of eating with her. Had to buy some new pants as the waist bands were digging into my new rolls...its not pretty.

Potential living arrangements in Van fell through as Bill could not find anything in his price range. I'm not too worried about that as Craigs List seems to have no shortage of listings.

Work has been getting busy as I clean up everything and begin transitioning my projects over.

That's all for now.

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