Saturday, February 03, 2007

Today I learned something new about myself. I am a farmers market junkie. Niki and I decided to venture out to East Van and check out the winter market that is held first Sunday of each month. I'm not sure what I was thinking leaving the house with $23 and change in my wallet but after a quick turn around the market we realized we would need to make a run to a bank machine.

By the time we left my Pete's Frootique shopping bag was filled to the brim with the following:
  • 3 hard cheeses from Little Qualicum Cheeseworks
  • 2 packages of dried wild mushrooms (white chanterelle and lobster)
  • Granola King granola
  • Anne's Green Pepper Jelly and zucchini relish (yum yum yum)
  • A package of cheese and onion rolls
  • Bad Girl Chocolates caramel covered covered almonds for Trent and I to enjoy in Banff next weekend
  • A package of gently grown beef, pork and buffalo sausages from Greenhill Acres farms

I forgot to buy any fruits & veggies with all of the other offerings. Ohh well, I can hit the local markets tomorrow.

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