Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Shrove Tuesday or what is better known today as Pancake Day. It also happens to be Vancouver Island Day. Happy Day Vancouver Island.

The Lenten Fasting begins tomorrow. To clarify for those of you knew to my life...the fasting has more to do with a post Christmas cleanse than religious purification..but hey, who can't use a little purification.

I've decided to up the ante this year as the usual sweets and DC was starting to get too easy. So, for 2008 I will be giving up the follow:
  • The usual sweets (baked goods, chocolate and candy)
  • Diet Coke (and all pop..not that I drink other pop)
  • French Fries and potato chips
  • All meat products (pork, chicken and beef)
  • The elevator in my building (except for when I have heavy loads like luggage)
I tried to persuade T-Bone to join me in abstaining from the meats but despite my asking her WWJD she still refused.

The best part about Lent 2008 is that not only does the fasting end Easter Sunday but Trent also arrives that day! Yeah


Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that "WWJD" leads to what I'm doing.

If you don't see Trent until Easter Sunday, I'm not sure why he's not on the list of Lenten things you will do without.

Jennifer said...

Nice. The way I see it, doing without Trent isn't a choice but rather a fact of life right now. It's not like next Lent I will tell him to pack up his things and get.

Missing both Trent and my DC...I could really use them both right now.