Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I must learn to take the party camera with me when I go out for my runs. I ran along the water in Kits this morning and it was awesome. It was really windy out and the waves crashing into shore and the breakwall were spectacular. I was tempted to run really close to the edge so that I could get sprayed but it was coldn (well cool,not cold) and it just didn't seem the smartest thing to do when out running alone.

Off to meet Ryan Pogue tonight. We've been trying to hook up since I arrived. Ryan owns Pogue Sports and runs Pogue Canoe Club. Hopefully it will lead to some opportunities for me.

It's Shrove Tuesday today. That means pancakes for dinner (actually crepes like my mum used to make) and no more DC, sweets or chips starting tomorrow until April 16th. Let the fasting begin!

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