Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well I survived the first practice with Finding BMO last night, though barely. It was very different to BMO, the Crewsers or even G&G practices to say the least. Found myself in a bit of a sensitive situation when asked by the "coach" what I thought of practice. Talked my way out of it by just saying it was very different and that I would adjust what with the East vs. West styles being so very different. Key differences were that they have a very quick stroke with no ratio difference between the pull through and the recovery and they exit at the knee. What do you mean you exit at the knee? I still have about 3 feet of my stroke left. I felt like a hamster running in its wheel...just trying to keep up when each stroke felt like I was pulling through drying cement.

Tonight it's the Slayer concert and then possibly meeting Dave S and Mike B (for all the Brendaner's out there..our student council president) for a drink even though I am still off the booze.

1 comment:

Lt. Dan said...

Hey, look, comment spam!


Anyway, I have to ask...did you say "Slayer"?